Mullins recalls a memory of his ‘carton tree’

December 28, 2020


Adam Mullins is standing in front of the tree he brought home from Kindergarten in a carton in 1996-97. Adam says he planted the tree at his home in Wise. He now lives in Tennessee. Adam says, “I would like to bring the tradition back to my school Norton Elementary School in the future. In an age of technology, social media and gaming for younger kids, it’s important to get in touch with nature.” I’ve always looked at that tree I planted over 20 years ago as my life tree. It has grown with me it has lost branches been through storms and it still stands very strong.

I believe that society benefits when young children get out, get their hands in the earth, and plant trees. Planting trees is a great way for kids to connect to the environment and their community.

I wonder how many other little carton trees have grown so big?