NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE - Property located at 531 Bernice Drive , Norton, Virginia
January 20, 2025
Property located at
531 Bernice Drive
Norton, Virginia 24273
Parcel ID: 406-3-3-17;
Parcel ID: 406-3-3-16;
Parcel ID: 406-3-3-15
Property located at:
8812 Fountain Brook Road, Wise, Virginia 24293
Parcel ID #037516
In execution of that certain Credit Line Deed of Trust dated May 25, 2021 and recorded in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Wise County, Virginia as Instrument Number 202102252, and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned Substitute Trustee, any one of whom may act, by said Deed of Trust, and the Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee recorded in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Wise County, Virginia as Instrument Number 202405228, default having been made in the terms of the Note secured by the Deed of Trust, and having been requested to do so by the Holder of the Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction the following property as described in said Deed of Trust:
All those certain lots or parcels of land situated on the West side of Hamner Street, in the City of Norton, Wise County, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
PARCEL 1: [Parcel ID: 406-3-3-17]
Being known and designated as Lot 17 of Block 3, located on the west side of Hamner Street in the City of Norton, Wise County, Virginia, as shown on the W. Russell Hamner Addition, Plat 1, City of Norton, May, 1958, and recorded in Plat Book 201, Page 293.
PARCEL 2: [Parcel ID: 406-3-3-16]
All that certain lot designated as Lot 16 of Block 3, located on the West side of Hamner Street in the City of Norton, Wise County, Virginia, and shown on the W. Russell Hamner Addition, Plat 1, City of Norton, May 1958, and recorded in Plat Book 201, Page 293, and being a portion of the same lots conveyed from Tom E. Owens and Willy J. Owens, his wife, to David Ball by Deed dated March 20, 1972, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for Wise County, Virginia, in Deed Book 441, Page 850, to which deed reference is hereby made for a more complete and accurate description, along with reservations and mineral rights. Also, being shown as Lots (16) and (17) on “Plat Prepared for: Adeline Sue Henry” by Joseph F. Barger, dated March 10, 1992, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
PARCEL 3: [Parcel ID: 406-3-3-15]
All that certain lot designated as Lot 15 of Block 3 located on the West side of Hamner Street in the City of Norton Wise County, Virginia, and shown on the W. Russell Hamner Addition, Plat 1, City of Norton, May, 1958, and recorded in Plat Book 201, page 293, and being a portion of the same lots conveyed from Tom E. Owens and Willy J. Owens, his wife, to David Ball by Deed dated March 20, 1972, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Wise County, Virginia, in Deed Book 441, Page 850, to which Deed reference is hereby made for a more complete and accurate description, along with reservations of mineral rights. Also, being the same Lot 15 as shown on a Plat prepared for Adeline Sue Henry by Joseph Barger, Surveyor, dated March 10, 1992, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
BEING a part of the same property conveyed to BLM Rentals, L.L.C. by Deed dated July 24, 2014 and recorded in the Wise County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office as Instrument Number 201403637.
There is LESS AND EXCEPTED from this conveyance 9.87 feet of Lot 17 as conveyed to Judy K. Barnette by Deed recorded in Deed Book 824, Page 574.
There is FURTHER EXCEPTED from this conveyance a 20’ strip of the eastern most portion of Lot 17, Block 3, as contained in Deed Book 779, Page 264.
There is also granted to the Grantee the use of any and all easements, right of ways, roadways, water rights, pipeline rights, sewer systems including any field lies attached thereto, in existence and which lawfully may be used by Grantors, whether by express grant, prescriptive use or otherwise, and which are appurtenant to and part of the use and enjoyment of this particular tract of land.
There is also conveyed by this instrument all buildings, improvements, fixtures, easements and appliances now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with the property herein attached.
This conveyance is made subject to all prior recorded conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements and conveyances affecting the property hereby conveyed.
BEING a portion of the property PDC Properties, LLC acquired by deed dated May 25 2021, from BLM Rentals, L.L.C., of record in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Wise County, Virginia as Instrument No. 202102251.
SECOND TRACT: [Parcel ID # 037516]
All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Wise County Virginia, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Being all of Lot 28 (0.38 acre) as depicted on a survey entitled “Gateway Acres Phase II,” prepared by Maxim Engineering, Inc., on January 23, 1998, and recorded in the Wise County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office in Plat Book 6, Page 313, Slide 185, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of property.
BEING a part of the same property conveyed to BLM Rentals, L.L.C. by Deed dated January 22, 2014 and recorded in the Wise County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office as Instrument Number 201400873.
This conveyance is SUBJECT to the restrictive covenant contained in Deed recorded as Instrument Number 980000344.
There is also granted to the Grantee the use of any and all easements, right of ways, roadways, water rights, pipeline rights, sewer systems including any field lines attached thereto, in existence and which lawfully may be used by Grantors, whether by express grant, prescriptive use or otherwise, and which are appurtenant to and part of the use and enjoyment of this particular tract of land.
There is also conveyed by this instrument all buildings, improvements, fixtures, easements and appliances now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with the property herein attached.
This conveyance is made subject to all prior recorded conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements and conveyances affecting the property hereby conveyed.
PLACE OF SALE: Front Steps of the Wise County Courthouse; Main Street, Wise Virginia
DATE OF SALE: Friday, January 31, 2025
TIME OF SALE: 9:00 a.m. for property located at: 531 Bernice Drive, Norton, Virginia 24273
9:15 a.m. for property located at: 8812 Fountain Brook Road, Wise, Virginia 24293
TERMS OF SALE: CASH. A deposit of 10% in cash or by check will be required of the successful bidder at the time of the sale and settlement in full shall be made within fifteen (15) days from date of sale at the office of said Substitute Trustee. The Substitute Trustee may change the terms of sale on the Date of Sale. The successful bidder will also be required to sign a Memorandum of a Foreclosure Sale.
This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information gathered will be used accordingly.
Ross Hawkins
Powell Valley
National Bank
Wise Office
540 W. Main Street
P. O. Box 3966
Wise, VA 24293
(276) 328-0900
C. Adam Kinser
Substitute Trustee
Cynthia D. Kinser
Substitute Trustee
1-21-2t s1-28
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